Lesson Terms and Conditions

Lesson Terms and Conditions

Survival Lessons

  • The KASS survival and learn to swim program length is approximate and is based on National statistics.
  • Children are required to attend daily, Monday to Friday
  • Please refer to Enrol Now page for enrolment process.


  • Registration fees of $100 per child are payable in advance prior to lessons commencing
  • No refunds are given on registration fees and registration fees are not deductible from lesson fees.
  • Survival lessons fees are due in arrears on each Monday. Late payment of more than 10 lessons will result in one follow-up request. This will incur a 2 lesson administration fee. If full payment is not made within 5 working days the child will be removed from their booking. Available payment options will be noted on account reminder.
  • Payment plans cannot be arranged unless financial hardship is proven.
  • Payment options include: Cash, direct deposit and 3rd party credit card processing *
  • Outstanding accounts for more than 90 days with no agreed payment plans or communication regarding when to expect payment will be forwarded to a third party debt collection agency with an additional 35% collection fee charged to the balance owing.

MISSED CLASS POLICY: Each child is able to miss two lessons before payment for missed lessons will be required.

Transitional Lessons

Transitional lessons are to be booked for the entire term. Dates of the term can be obtained by contacting KASS (normally we run in line with school terms keep an eye out for emails for the latest information).


Behaviour policy within our program. Our staff provide one warning to students for disruptive or unsafe behaviour in the lesson. We have a structured class so that students can learn and progress in a positive environment. After this warning the instructor may need to speak with the parent / carer to understand the behaviour. From there should the behaviour continue KASS will do their best to work with the family to ensure productive lessons. This may involve a change of day, time, instructor, strategies for practise outside of lessons or a break from lessons.


  • There are 4 swimming terms per calendar year in line with the NSW public school terms
  • Mid term enrolments are welcome, subject to availability. Pro rata fees will be charged based on number of weeks remaining of term.
  • All new students must complete the survival and learn to swim program and or undergo an assessment prior to enrolling.


  • During end of term, enrolment rollover will occur and your child’s booking will be carried over to the following term. Term enrolment is confirmed when full payment is received PRIOR to the new term commencing or the term booking will be forfeited.
  • Notification of term cancellations must be received at least 2 weeks PRIOR to term commencing or you will be invoiced for the full term of fees. Please cancel your child’s term booking here
  • Part term enrolments cannot be arranged in the instances of long holidays etc. Families are encouraged to utilise the 2 make up classes per term per child on offer to compensate for absences. The alternative is to forgo the current enrolment and re enrol on return.
  • Lessons are not scheduled on Public Holidays and are not included in term fees


  • If you have been in lessons for a term and do not wish to continue with lessons in the next term it is your responsibility to notify us that you do not wish to continue.
  • Unless a term booking cancellation is notified by completing this online form here, it will be assumed that you are continuing with lessons. However, should lessons not be paid for prior to term commencing your child will be removed from lessons and your position will be offered to another student.
  • If you have booked in for the term, and the term has begun, and do not wish to continue you will be charged for the entire term.
  • If you wish to cancel your term booking notification is required prior to term commencement.
  • Should you fail to notify us in writing of your cancellation request prior to term commencement, full payment for the term will be required.
  • Refunds are not available should you wish to cancel mid term.See below payment term for further information.


  • Transitional and stroke lesson term fees are due in advance, prior to term commencing. Each term duration differs depending on the school term, public holidays and whether the lesson falls on this day however does not usually exceed 11 weeks.
  • Available payment options will be noted on account reminder.
  • An enrolment is confirmed once full payment of term fees is received prior to term commencing. Children will not be allowed to swim in their lesson until full payment of term fees has been received.
  • Should full payment not made prior to each term commencing, the system will remove your child’s booking and that lesson day and time will be made available for another child to book.
  • Should you take a break from lessons for a term, there are no re-enrolment fees however your preferred lesson day/time may not be available.
  • Mid-term new enrolments are welcomed, subject to availability. Pro-rata fees will be charged based on number of weeks remaining of term. These fees are also paid in advance.
  • Enrolments carrying over from the previous term must be paid for in full before the new term commences.
  • Lessons are not scheduled on Public Holidays and are not included in term fees.
  • Payment plans cannot be arranged unless financial hardship is proven.
  • Payment options include: Cash, direct deposit and 3rd party credit card processing *
  • Any invoice more than 2 weeks overdue will incur, a 2 lesson per child administration charge per month until paid in full. We appreciate your understanding and prompt payment.


  • In the event of a mid term cancellation, refunds cannot be given for unused fees. In exceptional circumstances when a refund is given, a 2 lesson administration fee will be charged.
  • No refunds are given on registration fees
  • No refunds for mid-term cancellations on unused fees for change of mind or school holiday lessons.
  • There is no refund or credit for missed lessons. Rather we offer 2 makeup lessons per student per term.
  • Refunds or credits can be granted in exceptional circumstances such as in the event of injury/illness, where 5 or more consecutive classes will be missed, a medical certificate must be supplied before the credit can be arranged. Once a credit has been issued, the child will lose their class place and must re-enrol when ready to re-commence. Places cannot be held.
  • There are no administration fees to process medical suspension credits.
  • There are no cancellation fees associated with our services however with regards to transitional and stroke lessons, whereby payment is made in advance, should a customer be dissatisfied with service we will seek to further understand the matter and attempt to come to a resolution appropriate to both parties by offering a change of instructor, day or time.  Should a mutually agreeable resolution not be made, a refund will be issued.


  • There is no refund or credit for missed lessons. Rather we offer 2 makeup lessons per student per term.
  • In the event of an injury/illness where 5 or more consecutive classes will be missed, KASS will issue a credit on your account. This credit is valid for 6 months. A medical certificate must be supplied before the credit can be arranged. Once a credit has been issued the child will lose their class place and must re-enrol when ready to recommence. Places cannot be held.
  • There is no administration fee to process medical suspension credits.


  • There is no refund or credit for missed lessons. Rather we offer 2 makeup lessons per student per term.
  • In order to qualify for a make up lesson, a notice of absence must be self administered via the Ayotree APP 1 hour before lesson time.
  • Notification of absences must be self administered via the Ayotree booking system. Emails and text messages will not be accepted as a notification of a cancelled lesson. Should you have difficulties accessing the system please notify the pool phone* on 0490 679 064 with your name, child’s name time of lesson and location. *For Lilli Pilli and Coogee NSW locations only
  • Lesson cancellations and makeups can be booked simultaneously via the Ayotree app. Instructional videos are available to assist.
  • In the event that an instructor is absent, they will be replaced with another instructor. If this is not possible, students will be contacted to advise that the lesson is cancelled and a credit will be offered.


  • There is no refund or credit for missed lessons. Rather we offer 2 makeup lessons per student per term.
  • To qualify for a makeup you must cancel your child in the booking system at least 1 hour prior to the child’s lesson commencing.
  • A  make up lesson can be booked for submitted notified absences, to a maximum of 2 make ups per student per term.
  • Make up lessons are capped at a maximum of 2 per child per term.
  • Make up lessons cannot be booked during the first 2 weeks of term.
  • Make ups can be booked up to 5 days in advance.
  • Make ups do not have to be booked at the same time of submitting an absence.
  • A make up can be taken before the notified absence has occurred
  • Make ups are confirmed at the time of booking and viewable in the booking system
  • Pool side staff are unable to book make ups
  • Make ups must be taken in the same term as the corresponding absences.
  • Make ups cannot be carried forward into the next term or holiday program.
  • Booked make ups cannot be altered. The lesson will be forfeited if not attended or cancelled. There will be no refund for non attendance.
  • Make up lessons cannot be guaranteed and options may be restricted during busy periods.
  • Make up lessons owing cannot be transferred to a sibling.
  • There is no guarantee the instructor will be the same for makeup lessons.
  • Please do not book a make-up lesson back to back with your normal lesson. Lessons are kept short to ensure the best for your child, doing two lessons in a row is not best for your child.
How to cancel and book a makeup lesson during term for Transitional Lessons via the booking system
  • Should you ever need to cancel a transitional lesson or book a makeup transitional lessons for your child/ren please use the ayotree app. Follow the prompts and it will take you to a selection of lesson availability that you will be able to select a lesson that suits your time. We recommend checking availability regularly. This will be updated every time that we get a cancellation. For the system to work we need your co-operation by cancelling your child/ren lessons online if they are not attending.
  • We appreciate your assistance with this process as it is the quickest way for the instructor to be notified and a lesson to become available for another child (office staff may not get your message, text or email in time especially if lessons are before office hours). We also have a video to help.

Stroke Lessons

Stroke lessons are delivered privately for 30 minutes 


  • Stroke lessons are delivered on Saturdays only*, to be booked for the entire term. Dates of the term can be obtained by contacting KASS (normally we run in line with school terms).
  • Children must complete Transitional Platinum level or be assessed and deemed ready for stroke
  • Enrolments carrying over from the previous term must be paid for in full before the new term commences.
  • Mid-term new enrolments are welcomed, subject to availability.
  • Should you take a break from lessons for a term, there are no re-enrolment fees however your preferred lesson day/time may not be available.

*Referencing Sydney Locations


Payment for lessons will be require up front for the term. See below payment term for further information.

  • Transitional and stroke lesson term fees are due in advance, prior to term commencing. Each term duration differs depending on the school term, public holidays and whether the lesson falls on this day however does not usually exceed 11 weeks.
  • Available payment options will be noted on account reminder.
  • An enrolment is confirmed once full payment of term fees is received prior to term commencing. Children will not be allowed to swim in their lesson until full payment of term fees has been received.
  • Should full payment not made prior to each term commencing, the system will remove your child’s booking and that lesson day and time will be made available for another child to book.
  • Available payment options will be noted on account reminder.
  • Mid-term new enrolments are welcomed, subject to availability. Pro-rata fees will be charged based on number of weeks remaining of term. These fees are also paid in advance.
  • Lessons are not scheduled on Public Holidays and are not included in term fees.
  • We do not offer weekly or monthly payment options.
  • Payment options include: Cash, direct deposit and 3rd party credit card processing *
  • Any invoice more than 2 weeks overdue will incur, a 2 lesson administration charge per month until paid in full. We appreciate your understanding and prompt payment.
  • Outstanding accounts for more than 90 days with no agreed payment plans or communication regarding when to expect payment will be forwarded to a third party debt collection agency with an additional 35% collection fee charged to the balance owing.


  • If you have been in lessons for a term and do not wish to continue with lessons in the next term it is your responsibility to notify us that you do not wish to continue. Unless term booking cancellation is notified via completing the cancellation form here, your term booking will rollover to the following term. However Term enrolment is confirmed when full payment is received PRIOR to the new term commencing or the term booking will be cancelled/forfeited.
  • If you have booked in for the term, and the term has begun, and do not wish to continue you will be charged for the entire term.
  • Outstanding accounts for more than 90 days with no agreed payment plans or communication regarding when to expect payment will be forwarded to a third party debt collection agency with an additional 35% collection fee charged to the balance owing.


  • Class cancellations due to pool maintenance problems, or instructor illness will be entitled to a make or will be given a credit.  Should this occur KASS will do all in their power to contact you.
  • Should you miss a lesson we will endeavour to fill your spot but this cannot be guaranteed.  We have an extremely limited capacity to do makeup lessons for stroke lessons. If you are going to miss a lesson we are more then happy to try and fit you into another lesson where available.  Otherwise there will be no refund given.

School Holiday Lessons

  • Cost for Transitional Holiday lessons are $38 and stroke is $60 per lesson.
  • Payment is required up front for the schedule of bookings prior to lessons commencing.
  • Non-attendance will be charged for if you have booked in for the school holiday lessons.
  • There are no make up lessons permitted for school holiday lessons.
  • Unused lessons / makeup lessons from previous terms cannot be carried forward into the school holiday program.

Privacy Policy

  • The registration process involves capturing personal information such as, name, age, address, aquatic behaviour and medical history of parents and child/ren.
  • Statistical information such as age, postcode, aquatic behaviour and experience will be used to further understand the business demographics. This information may be shared with existing or potential franchises for marketing purposes. The child and/or parents will not be recognised by name, address or image unless permission for image release is given in registration form.
  • Credit card transactions are processed securely and no card details are stored
  • IMAGES & VIDEO FOOTAGE: We may wish to use images and/or video footage of students for promotional and/or educational purposes, i.e. website, promotional flyers, social media, staff education. Please notify us in writing if you do not wish to have your/your child’s image used.

Term and Conditions for Tajra Pty Ltd trading as Kids Aquatic Survival School (ABN 68 605 831 034)