

There are a host of unique skills and backgrounds an applicant can present to be considered a good candidate for KASS Instructor Training Program.  There are, however, a few traits that are absolutely necessary including responsibility, enthusiasm, professionalism and an overwhelming willingness to learn.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is presented using a combination of e-learning for independent on-line study, goal-based scenarios and worksheets, in water with hands-on training, videotape review presentations and classroom instruction.

Ongoing training and support

From the moment you begin your training you will be considered a part of the KASS team. Each instructor in the organisation wants you to be as successful as possible because successful instructors reach more children. KASS also has a mentoring system in place to assist you in every aspect of your professional development. In addition to mentoring, Instructors can ask questions, receive answers. Through mandatory annual re-certification activities, KASS insures quality control and standardisation while instructors are challenged to achieve new levels of professionalism, efficiency and safety.

The decision to become a KASS Instructor is a life changing and enriching realisation.

There are several factors to be considered when weighing the opportunities, workload, and commitment involved in considering the potential of joining the KASS Team.  By virtue of the fact that you are reading this page, this may be the beginning of a very exciting journey and we would like to share in that beginning by inviting you to contact us.